Dear Marketing, Sales, and Chief Revenue Officers,

As champions of revenue growth, it’s apparent that this objective remains at the forefront of your priorities. However, in today’s intricate business environment, achieving sustainable growth requires more than just intuition—it demands a strategic approach grounded in data-driven insights. Allow…

Product-Led Revenue Growth Is The Future

Product-led revenue growth is a significant and transformative trend in the tech industry. This approach shifts the focus from traditional sales-driven models to leveraging the product itself as a primary driver of acquisition, retention, and expansion. Incorporating a product-led revenue…

Projected Revenue Leakage

Last Sunday night, while driving from the Bay Area to Silicon Slopes, Utah. We were faced with heavy fog, heavy snow, and slippery roads; which made our car go out of control. We were lucky to quickly gain control over…

Marketing to Revenue:

Sales Pipeline analyses as done with hundreds of companies by Implicit to discover which channels deliver the highest conversion rate. Is it very interesting to find out that customer and employee referrals are the best-performing channel with 3.63% conversion rate,…

The Power of Sales Momentum

Top executives and sales leaders are adopting an agile approach in revising sales planning tools to maintain momentum in today’s changing markets. Through all of their actions one thing is certain: being close to your customer today is even more…